Policy Guidance
The resources outlined below offer policy guidance related to advancing racial equity and preventing and ending homelessness. These resources were developed by members of the working group and their partners.
Several members of the working group, including Amanda Andere and Ann Oliva, led and advised on the Housing Playbook Project through Community Change and with the support of the Ford Foundation. The Housing Playbook identifies a robust and progressive housing agenda based upon a clear understanding of the necessary policy reforms and the mechanisms needed to make them, including administrative action, regulations, interagency partnerships, external partner collaborations, and actions requiring legislative and budgetary actions.
Funders Together to End Homelessness published their Commitment to Racial Equity to demonstrate how they have and will use a racial equity lens to support their members and the philanthropic sector to shift its practice, policy and grantmaking actions and how we will foster greater diversity, equity, and inclusion within FTEH as an organization.
The New Deal to End Youth Homelessness is a federal policy proposal that offers a roadmap to transform how young people, particularly Black, Brown, Indigenous, and LGBTQ young people, are supported in our society.
The National Innovation Service created the Equity-Based Decision-Making Framework and Assessments to support homelessness service system administrators and stakeholders in improving system processes and policies to proactively advance racial equity by disrupting decision-making. scription